Set of adapters unified NPU-001
Analog: Z340R21, Z340R40, Z340R41
Adapter set for connection to gas-insulated equipment
The set is equipped with adapters for adapting various connections on gas-insulated equipment to standard sizes of check valves DN8 and DN20.
Equipment is operated in the power industry with SF6 insulation of both imported and domestic manufacturers, which use valves of various nomenclature, types and sizes. NPU-001 is equipped with adapters and connections to special valves of SF6 equipment manufacturers, which are mated with standard connections DN8 and DN20, which makes it possible to connect the equipment through check valves and service SF6 equipment without SF6 emissions into the atmosphere.
- Self-sealing connections DN8, DN20
to prevent gas emissions into the atmosphere - Transport case
Technical parameters:
- Dimensions: L 400 mm, W 400 mm, H 110 mm
- Weight: 4.5 kg
Standard equipment:
- VGT-110-DN8 adapter
- VGBE-35-DN8 adapter
- Adapter TGFM-DN8-P
- Adapter VGP-110-DN8-U
- TG-145-DN8 adapter
- 6-1206-R001 DN20 connection
- SK-372-R020 DN8 connection
- Transport case
- Passport
Optional equipment:
- Valves for connection to equipment manufactured in the Russian Federation (on request)
- Valves for connecting DILO measuring instruments (on request)