Gas technological service work on high-voltage equipment
With the use of modern SF6 service equipment and measuring instruments, when SF6 operations are carried out by trained personnel, SF6 losses are negligible and can be reduced to an absolute minimum. Reducing emissions to near zero is beneficial in terms of environmental aspects, cost savings for new gas, and is in line with international regulations.
Although SF6 is an excellent dielectric and coolant, it is important to know that:
- SF6 is a fluorinated gas with a high global warming potential.
- It is one of the six gases controlled under the Kyoto Protocol.
- 1 kg of SF6 is equivalent to a global warming potential more than 22,200 times higher than CO2.
- The life cycle of SF6 gas in the atmosphere is about 3,200 years.
Therefore, SF6 must be used in closed systems to prevent emissions. This is our core competency as a manufacturer of emission-free gas handling equipment for medium and high voltage switchgear.