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Ferroma specialists conduct practical seminars and training courses in St. Petersburg

10 October 2022
Ferroma specialists conduct practical seminars and training courses in St. Petersburg

Since 2021, on the territory of the Service Center in St. Petersburg, our specialists have been holding practical seminars and training courses on the topic ” transformer technology and transformer engineering”

The transformer training program is presented below:

Item no. The program of the seminar on working with Ferroma equipment
Day one (4 hours)
1 Transformer equipment

General information about transformers (power, converter, special), properties, applications. Rules for safe work with electrical equipment.

2 Main structure

Core – core insulation, blending, bandage.

Windings – prepreg, cast. Cooling.

Features of the assembly of the transformer.

Day two (4 hours)
3 Device, design and assembly (practical part).

Cutting electrical steel.

Assembly feature (skeleton, IP00, IPXX)



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