Be the No. 1 transformer manufacturer in Russia!
We are constantly transforming and striving towards our goal of producing high quality transformers and providing superior service to our customers.
You have our personal manager who uses all the resources of the company
«Ferroma» and is well acquainted with your requirements and specifics.
Due to the deep study of each request, we save your time and money. We will find the best option that will allow us to solve the task on time without loss of quality.
Our recipe for success is that each employee knows the order of business processes and knows how to plan their time. Thanks to a clear delineation of responsibilities, we can implement the project in the shortest possible time.
At the end of 2014, a joint Russian-German production of dry power transformers was launched. The production works according to the technology of our partner - the German NTT plant, Hochspannungstechnik und Transformatorbau GmbH, which allowed us to maintain German quality, adapting it to the requirements of the domestic market.
htt-trafo.deOfficial representative of MGC Moser-Glaser AG in Russia, CIS countries. MGC Moser-Glaser AG is a manufacturer of Duresca phase-insulated cast resin conductors.
Duresca.ruOfficial representative of the DILO Arnaturen und Anlagen GmbH plant in Russia. DILO specializes in the production of installations for handling SF6 gas and offers a wide range of equipment for diagnostics, pumping, pumping, cleaning and storage of SF6 gas.
We attach great importance to maintaining corporate culture and developing teamwork.
We know that complex tasks are best tackled as a team, which is why a trusting and respectful work environment is so important to our daily work.
Continuous investment in training stimulates not only the initiative of employees, but also a sense of personal responsibility.
If you are passionate about engineering and want to play an active role at Ferroma, just send us your CV and join our team.
If you have an electrical engineering education or experience in designing complex power electrical equipment, if you like the idea of manufacturing transformers, please contact us.
Technical Director Efremov Ivan Alexandrovich,
For us to consider your CV, please email your application to: